40 players have been signed up for this competition as of 4:47 PM Sunday 24th November
Ethna Brady (26.9) |
Pat Brady (12.0) |
Di Brierley (18.6) |
Peter Champion (Royal Automobile Country Club) |
Tim Davis (Burhill) |
Tina Davis (24.5) |
Jason Drewett (St George's Hill) |
Martina Drewett (St George's Hill) |
Paul Earland (Royal Automobile Country Club) |
Suzanne Earland (Royal Automobile Country Club) |
John Ferrucci (17.3) |
Clare Goodberry (St George's Hill) |
Anna Guss (Gerrards Cross Golf Club) |
Barrie Harding (7.8) |
Colin Harding (8.7) |
Suzy Harvey (22.8) |
John Haynes (20.9) |
Malcolm Hughes (24.7) |
Susan Hughes (26.5) |
Hayley Jackson (30.9) |
Jonathon Jackson (9.3) |
Anthony Kelley (Royal Automobile Country Club) |
Joan Kent (17.5) |
Matthew Littlefield (Farnham) |
Adam Morganti (0.0) |
Lisa Pendry (15.1) |
Sally Peters (Guildford Golf Club) |
Jenny Petersen (Royal Automobile Country Club) |
Andrew Sandison (Puttenham) |
Nigel Scholey (Drift) |
Pauline Scholey (Drift) |
Beth Schulten (28.5) |
Chris Schulten (17.8) |
Benjamin Turner (Reading Golf Club) |
Pauline Turner (15.7) |
Ken Warwick (12.0) |
Susan Warwick (21.5) |
Julia Webb (31.3) |
David Whyte (10.6) |
Frances Whyte (16.9) |